links of residence
awful hawke-jack 1
the webmaster (me) editing this very site
best (worst) forged marrage certificate. f you myconline for shutting down

what kinda stuff do ya wanna know about me? freak. i guess ill tell you some stuff. online, i sometimes go by jet, or radar, or any other name you might know me by, but if you've made it this far, you can know that my real name's Hawke. like the bird. but with an e. or hawkey- (hawk-ey) thats what my math teacher calls me. I live somwhare in america. a lot of the time i wish i didnt. as far as pronouns go, he/him mainly, they/them if youre my parents, and she/her if youre going to refer to me like you would a boat or car. when i dont like where i am, i pretend that i'm an epic knight with my knight buddies or a oyster farmer in maine. i make a good grilled cheese, and take a shower semi frequently. i'm getting kinda bored with this text box. i wouldnt have read this if i were you.
images that might help you get an idea what i'm like

i am not actually a pastafarian. i just thought that image would look cool in the div box.

holyshit you went all the way to the bottom of this???? here take a star of approval.
also, heres the pinterest board that all of these are from, and more. bonus prize.
tea ranking
1. earl grey
2. iced black w creamer
3. english breakfast
4. lapsang souchong
5. mint
6. green
7. sleepytime
stuff i like to do
- go to the beach
- play banjo and synth
- wander amelessly
- wander with purpose
- cook wildly spicy shit
- collect items
- read things and stuff
- snowboard
- draw my fursonas
- play a videogame once and awhile
- build inventions. ask me.
- hit squirrels with my moms car on my first drivers license test. also ask me.
- take care of house plants
- do stick n pokes
- play roller derby
- hate the internet (how ironic!)
- fuckin make art idunno what do you want me to say
I'm taro bubble tea!
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